Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mexico Trip Day 4

Thursday we braved the traffic and drove to the Guadaljara Temple. It didn't open until 4:00 so we didn't get to go inside. It felt very peaceful to be on the Temple grounds. We went next door into the Stake center and met a man who was baptized by Wes' last companion. He was also an Elder Potter who married a girl from Blackfoot. How about that! The man is now a Bishop. It was awesome.

Hibiscus Hedge. I bet it is gorgeous when it is in full bloom. There are other colors of hibiscus in there too.

We stopped at the mission home and visited with the Mission President and the Elders. Wes got some of the pamphlets to give to some of the people at the Hotel. We actually forgot to do that before we left, but he did give one to the taxi driver that took us home later that night.

Our landmark to help us find the right road to get back to the Hotel, and we missed the turn off. We did eventually find a road to get us there. Such a headache trying to read the map. Next time we go somewhere like this we will be renting a car with a GPS.

The view from the walkway looking down town. To the right of the walkway is the mercado. Mariachi square is on the other side of the buildings on the left. As we would walk around the streets, it gave me the creeps as it got later. I did not want to be around there too long after dark. There are lots of little stands that people set up to sell stuff. There were all packing up, I guess they didn't want to be there after dark either.

We went to Mariachi square where several groups of Mariahi bands play for the people there. Wes paid to have them come sing to us. It is $10.00 a song. It was fun to see them.


jeremyand jessicapotter said...

gps sounds like a good plan especially for wes don't want to get him turned around. The temple looks so pretty