Monday, August 25, 2008

Salt Lake trip

Yes, I am totally gorgeous.

Brooklyn being sworn in as President.

Daddy has food and I don't. Not fair!

Fine, I'll take the ketchup.

Jeremy told us to stop at the Energy Solutions Arena to see the police/fireman patch collection of this boy with Cerebral Palsy. Firemen and policemen are his heroes so when he was 6 yrs. old he began collecting patches. He is 18 now. The Church mounted them on these panels for him and they are going on a tour. They are from all 50 states and some international countries. This is just a sample as they are on both sides of the panals. Very impressive! We came in on the end of the media ceremony. I know this picture is dark, but if I waited until I lightened it I would not get this blog done.

Wes liked this patch from West Allis, Wisconsin. Don't often see Allis spelled this way. Hmm, maybe some relative along the way founded it.

Cory with the patch from Blackfoot, This is the Idaho panel. Trust me the Blackfoot patch is there. Cory with Andy


jeremyand jessicapotter said...
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jeremyand jessicapotter said...

such cute pictures! how did i totally miss that this was going on at the arena?